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Invisible grille is one of a convenient and safe prevent-fallen facilities. Many foreigners comes to Taiwan for work, job, family or study. And they may also want to install invisible grille to prevent their family or furkids from accidents.
However, foreigners in Taiwan may face some problem on communicating. Therefore, KKS provide the full English service to solve this situation. We can translate Chinese to English to foreign customer from measurement to installation. Make them realize the detail and feel sweet.
Due to the English service is one of the customized service, the price will be differ than the normal one. The price of English service will be 1.2 times the price of the normal one. Normally, the service of measurement is free. But the English measure service will need to spend $1000. If the customer do the installation finally, $1000 you paid before will be include in the final price. It means we will deduct NT$1000 dollars from the original price.
隱形鐵窗的英文為〔Invisible grille〕,Invisible中文翻譯為看不見的、無形的,grille中文意思是(窗戶、機器等前面的)鐵柵欄,護欄,金屬網罩,結合起來對於隱形鐵窗的形容相當貼切,隱形鐵窗就是由相當細的鋼絲繩建構成網狀的防護牆面,遠處看幾乎是無形看不到,近距離又是有實際一條一條的鋼絲繩防護。台灣的法律對於高樓位置,鐵窗是禁止施作的設施,原因是會影響火警逃生,軟性說法則是會影響大樓外觀,所以管委會或政府機關對於鐵窗這兩個字是相當敏感的,鐵窗真正的英文為〔window with bars〕,就是我們常見的傳統白鐵窗,對於這兩項英文和中文溝通的落差,是外籍人士在安裝隱形鐵窗時,會遇到的觀念上落差,隱形鐵窗不是白鐵窗,而是一種防墜措施〔Fall prevention facilities〕。
Invisible grille means the grilles can’t almost be seen. Because the grilles are made by the stainless steel wire ropes. And it hard to be seen from outside. The window with bars was forbidden in Taiwan apartment because it will affect the fire escape. And it will also affect the appearance of the building. Therefore, residents’ committee and government start to tell the residents to distinguish the difference of them. Invisible grille and windows with bars are not the same. Therefore, if we don’t explain clearly, foreign customer may misunderstand the species of window and get the wrong one.
What should foreigners notice before installing invisible grille?
Start from measurement:
The unit of length we use is centimeter not inch. Foreigners who used to use inch need to aware. 1 inch is 2.54 cm. And the unit of area we use is square feet. Therefore, we use square feet to count the price and fill in the quotation.
The price and the size of space will be different depend on the function. The space of prevent cat or pigeon will be 2.5 cm, and the price will be started from $368 per square feet. The space of prevent falling will be 5 cm, and the price will be started from $318 per square feet.
We have two parts of the invisible grille color to pick. One is the color of aluminum base. Customers can choose brown, sliver, black, white, ivory when the function is to prevent falling. If the function is to prevent falling, there are only brown and sliver for aluminum base. Another color is the stainless steel wire rope. For the rope we only have 2 color, light and dark. How to choose can depend on many factors, customers can ask the person who measure.
●若是陽台則有全面〔full〕做法和半面〔half〕作法,全面是從地板做到天花板,固定鋁材處的材質多半是比較堅固的水泥,而半面則是會從欄杆上或女兒牆上做起至天花板,固定鋁材處材質不見得會是水泥,而是金屬材質牢固力略遜於水泥,所以通常半面施作的陽台會多加規劃欄杆加固〔railing strengthen〕,防止金屬材質的欄杆被強大的鋼絲繩拉力整個拔起來。
There are 2 ways for installing invisible grille on balcony. Full and half. The former means the place of installation will be from ceiling to ground. And the latter usually from railing to the ceiling. Therefore, we will do the railing strengthen if customer choose to do the half. Because it can prevent the railing been pulled for the tensile strength of the stainless steel wire rope.
There are 3 ways for installing invisible grille on window. Full, half and partial. Some window is combined with fixed glass. We can’t install invisible grille on the fixed glass. Therefore, we have partial way for window.
There are 2 types for invisible grille. Horizontal and vertical. Both of them have pros and cons. However, customer need to know that not every places can be suited in 2 types. Sometime we will meet the case which the place customer plan to install is curve or slash. The place where is hard to install will take more money than normal one from customers. As a result, we recommend customer call us to measure to evaluate before installing invisible grille.
There is a law for invisible grille in Taiwan. In this law, the most important part is fall prevention facilities can’t affect the appearance of the building. So, customers want to install outside need to think twice.
●除了隱形鐵窗本體外,還會有十字扣〔cross kou 〕、快拆〔Quick-release connector〕、欄杆加固〔railing strengthen〕、鋁扁管〔Aluminum rectangular tube〕、角鋼〔Angle steel〕、門鍊〔door chain〕、電工鉗組〔pliers & pliers set〕…等需求性配件,會符合客戶需求做加價規劃。
Besides invisible grille, KKS also provide other accessories. For example, cross kou, quick-release connector, railing strengthen, aluminum rectangular tube, angle steel, door chain, pliers & pliers set, etc. If customer need these, they can add it for paying extra money.
We will send quotation to customer through LINE after the measurement. And the unit of area we use is square feet. One square feet start from $318 or $368 depend on the function. Other accessories have their own price.
丈量完畢後須付定金〔down payment〕,才能約好施作安裝隱形鐵窗的時間,定金通常是一半,可以現場給並開收據〔receipt〕,或是轉帳皆可,施工當天一樣可以指定英文溝通的技師,因為是指定客製化所以總金額會加兩成。
After measurement, we will ask customer to put the down payment. And we will make the schedule after customer pay. Usually, the price of the down payment is 50%. If you pay for the measurement person right away, he will give you the receipt. Or another payment option is you can transfer money to KKS. Remind you that the price will be twice times than the normal because customer uses the English service.
When the day our staff come to install, we will do the final check for make sure we arrange the right place. If others have confusion such as resident’s committee. We will help the customer to explain. After the installation finish, we will teach the customer about the maintenance and instruction of invisible grille.
Finally, let me introduce some accessories to those who don’t really understand the invisible grille.
Cross kou: the purpose of it is to strengthen and fix the stainless steel wire rope.
Quick-release connector: the way to loosing the wire rope. The purpose of it is for people to easy repair the air-conditioning outdoor unit.
Railing strengthen: using the wire rope to fix the railing and the ground. To prevent breaking the railing from the rope’s tensile strength.
Aluminum rectangular tube: when the window frame too close to the invisible grille. We need to use it to install the aluminum base easily.
Angle steel: if you install the invisible grille in the balcony where a pipeline there, we will need to use the angel steel to avoid the pipeline in case there is a hole on grille.
Door chain: some swing window is not easy to arrange. Therefore, we will recommend customer to buy the door chain to install. The purpose of it is to limit the size during open the window.
Gu Ding Jian: is the component in the aluminum base, helping to fix the wire rope.
Tse Bian Gai: which means the cover. After finish the arrangement, the stainless steel wire rope and Gu Ding Jian will expose. Considering the appearance and safety, we will use the Tse Bian Gai to cover and protect them. However, some place is special which can’t be put on the Tse Bian Gai. And that kind of place can’t be the reason to deduct the money from the orignal price.